Miao Hua

Miao Hua

Free AI painting and image generation platform launched by ShangTech

Miao Hua


SenseMirage is a free online AI-powered drawing tool that allows users to create artwork using text or image prompts, with various styles and advanced features such as pose control, line art coloring, and depth detection.


SenseMirage is a user-friendly AI-driven online platform for generating images and designs using text or image prompts. It offers multiple styles, advanced features, and customization options, making it accessible for beginners and versatile for various creative needs. The platform is free to use and supports Chinese language input.

Bullet Points

  • Free AI-powered drawing tool: SenseMirage is a free-to-use platform that leverages AI technology to generate images and designs based on user input.
  • Text and image prompts: Users can provide text or image prompts to generate artwork, offering flexibility in the creative process.
  • Multiple styles and advanced features: The platform supports various styles, such as cyberpunk, photography, and anime, and offers advanced features like pose control, line art coloring, and depth detection.
  • User-friendly for beginners: SenseMirage is designed to be accessible for users with different skill levels, making it easy for beginners to create artwork.
  • Chinese language support: The platform supports Chinese language input, making it more convenient for Chinese-speaking users.